As winter blankets the picturesque landscapes of the Hunter Valley, our beloved wineries face a unique set of challenges. While the lingering impact of the 2019-20 bushfires and the ongoing repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have tested their resilience, there's an opportunity for us to shine a light of support on the wineries we hold dear, especially during these slower winter months.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the challenges our wineries are facing and ways you can help the Hunter Valley wine community thrive this Winter.

Embracing Challenges with Resilience

Hunter Valley, renowned as Australia's oldest wine grape growing region, has a rich history of producing exceptional wines. However, recent events have posed challenges for the industry. The 2019-20 bushfires left their mark, impacting vineyards and the surrounding areas. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic brought forth restrictions that resulted in a noticeable reduction in the region's Gross Value Added (GVA).

Furthermore, the imposition of higher tariffs on wine imports by China in 2021 dealt a blow to the Australian wine industry, affecting production and causing a decline in export value. 

To add to the mix, the industry has grappled with employment issues, including service sector skills gaps and a surge in job vacancies. Moreover, the constant shadow of climate uncertainty and the threat of natural disasters further complicate the industry.

Despite these hurdles, there is a sense of resilience and determination within the industry. Hunter Valley wineries have continually showcased their ability to adapt and thrive amidst adversity. 

And the good news? You can help! Your support and love for wine and the wineries that produce them can truly make a difference, especially during the slower winter months. 

How to Support the Hunter Valley Wineries You Love

While winter may be quieter in the Hunter, it presents an opportunity for wine enthusiasts to show some love and support. Here are a few ways you can help your favourite wineries thrive this Winter:

Visit and Book a Wine Tasting Experience

Embrace the charm of the Hunter Valley by paying a visit to your favourite wineries. Experience their warm hospitality and savour the exquisite flavours they have to offer. Booking a wine tasting experience allows you to immerse yourself in the artistry of winemaking while supporting the local industry. 

Become a Member of Their Wine Club

Consider joining the wine club of your favourite winery, such as Ivanhoe's esteemed Round Table Wine Club Membership. Membership benefits often include exclusive access to limited-edition wines, discounts on purchases and invitations to special events. By becoming a member, you not only gain insider perks but also contribute to the sustainability of the winery you hold dear.

Purchase Wine at the Cellar Door or Online

Skip the local bottle-o and consider purchasing wine directly from the winery’s cellar door or online wine shop. Whether you're visiting the region or browsing from the comfort of your home, buying wine directly supports the wineries. 

Free Ways to Show Your Support

We know times are tough, especially with the cost of living crisis affecting our wallets. So if you are unable to visit or make a purchase, there are still free ways to champion the Hunter Valley wineries you love:

Follow Them on Social Media

Connect with your favourite wineries on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. By following their accounts, you stay updated on their latest releases, events and promotions. Liking, commenting, and sharing their posts helps spread the word and introduces others to their exceptional wines.

Write Them a Review

If you've had an outstanding experience at a Hunter Valley winery, take a moment to share your thoughts and write a review on TripAdvisor or write a Google review. Your kind words can inspire others to explore and support these remarkable establishments.

Subscribe to Their Email List

Stay in the loop by subscribing to wineries' email lists. By doing so, you receive exclusive updates, special offers and perhaps even early access to limited releases. This direct line of communication not only keeps you informed but also demonstrates your continued support. If you are interested in subscribing to our newsletter, sign up here

Tell a Friend About the Winery

Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool. Spread the joy of your favourite Hunter Valley wineries by telling your friends, family and colleagues about your exceptional experiences. Personal recommendations can have a tremendous impact, introducing new patrons to these wineries and strengthening their presence in the industry.

Despite tough times, Hunter Valley wineries are incredibly fortunate to be embraced by an exceptional and supportive community. Your continued support, whether it's through a visit, joining a wine club, or engaging on social media, makes a significant difference in sustaining and uplifting the industry.

As we navigate the slow, Winter months, let's keep our favourite local Hunter Valley wineries in mind and explore the various ways we can show our support. Together, we can ensure that the Hunter Valley wine community remains vibrant and thriving.